Grow Three Rivers

Whether you’re a prospective business, developer or a long-term city resident, Grow Three Rivers or GTR is a resource guide to help you navigate zoning and permitting, and take you through the steps to obtain approvals for any kind of project  …from simple residential projects to planning a new building, to starting a new business!…


Six Pack (Quick Links)

New Business Resources Navigate Zoning & Permitting Online Support System
Zoning District Map
Site Plan Review
Fee Schedule

For a list of potential business types and their corresponding permitted zoning, click here.

For a schedule of board meetings, your best bet is: meeting calendar .. or refer to
“Board and Commission Meetings” in your Guide To Development.


Business Locations

Do you have a business idea and need to find WHERE you can establish it?  The signs below provide just a few examples of potential businesses.

Don’t see your idea or business of interest?  Oh, don’t worry, there’s more…  MUCH MORE!  Click on the graphic below for our City Businesses page to view a complete alphabetical list of possible businesses and their corresponding zoning / uses!…

Note the bold titles on each sign indicate the corresponding zoning district  (e.g., B1, B2, B3) and that some business types (including a few shown here) can be located in multiple districts!_

Board Responsibilities and Schedules

_The following provides a general indication of board meeting times and locations.
For an up-to-date version of specific dates and time, please refer to the city’s meeting calendar.


For site plan review, special exception use, and rezoning applications:  please note that, in following city code and state legal requirements (for public notification), we advise all prospective applicants to submit materials no less than 21 calendar days prior to the next Planning Commission meeting.  Applications with payment and supporting documentation that are submitted 18 calendar days or less prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting will automatically be scheduled for the following month’s regularly scheduled meeting.

Next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting:
Note: if timer above has reached zero, please check city meeting calendar or with City Hall to confirm.

Guide To Development

Potential Developers are encouraged to contact our intake office (269-273-1845) for initial consultation and/or submit an initial Zoning Review form.  Developers can also help gain a better understanding of the overall zoning and permitting process, including details on the city’s site plan application & review process, in our navigation flowchart and online support system.


The following is a presentation you can flip through to learn everything there is to know on how to “Grow Three Rivers” (GTR) in our community’s comprehensive Guide To Development…

  NOTE: this is a Google Slide Presentation that can be opened in a new window!




Corrections or additions to suggest?  Please use our feedback form.