Frequently Asked Questions:
What do I have to do to participate in this program?
You must come to the Finance Department and fill out the appropriate paperwork. The City will then fill out a verification form and verify that the repair is necessary. While we are doing that, you must fill out an application and obtain two estimates from any two contractors of your choice. Bring the application and estimates back to us along with your required portion of $400 (effective 7/1/18). The City will award the contract to the lowest bid and pay the balance of the repair costs.
How do I find out more about the Water/Sewer Repair Program?
Complete copies of the ordinance are available.
What does this program exclude?
The program does not include charges associated with the removal or replacement of: trees, shrubs, plants, lawns, sprinkler system or other landscaping on public or private property. It also does not include tunneling under and/or replacing any surface improvements such as concrete, brick driveways, patios etc.