2017 Fall Leaf and Brush Pick Up


fall-cleanup-3It will soon be time for the City of Three Rivers to begin picking up leaves and brush from city residents!  PLEASE NOTE:  due to the early leaf fall, public services will be conducting leaf pick up beginning next week!starting October 2.  As for brush pick up, the originally posted collection dates (by district) will remain the same; see below.

A calendar showing the dates described below, and a map showing the City’s districts are available at the City’s website www.threeriversmi.org, or on the City’s Facebook page.

City district map

Leaf Pickup

City residents may place leaves in the streets beginning this weekend; Saturday, September 30.  On Monday, October 2nd the Department of Public Services (DPS) crews will begin picking up leaves.  Leaf pickup throughout the city will continue through November 22.

For final leaf pick up dates and times, please refer to the following…


  • 3RD DISTRICT leaves out by 7:00 AM on Monday, November 27th for last pick up
  • 1ST DISTRICT leaves out by 7:00 AM on Wednesday, November 29th for last pick up
  • 4TH DISTRICT leaves out by 7:00 AM on Friday, December 1st for last pick up
  • 2ND DISTRICT leaves out by 7:00 AM on Monday, December 4th for last pick up

Brush Pick up

City residents may begin placing brush on their terraces this weekend.  The Department of Public Service (DPS) crews will then begin picking up brush starting on Monday, October 16.  Brush will be picked up by district as follows:

  • 3rd District – Monday, October 16th
  • 1st District – Tuesday, October 17th
  • 4th District – Wednesday, October 18th
  • 2nd District – Thursday, October 19th

NOTE: DPS will only pick up brush once, so all brush needs to be on your terrace by 7:00 AM of the specified collection day.  Again, please note, due to leaf pick up beginning earlier in the month, Brush Pick Up is for brush pick up ONLY.  Brush mixed with leaves will NOT be picked up.


  • Leaves should be placed in the street (not yard) and may placed slightly away from the curb to allow for storm water drainage and ease in leaf collection efforts.
  • Leaves placed in the street prior to the specified date will be subject to a fine.
  • It should be noted that any brush, sod, bricks, rocks, trash or other foreign materials will damage machinery, hamper our ability to perform our pickup, and lead to a visit from the Code Enforcement Officer with a possible citation.
  • Please do not place leaves in terrace areas as city equipment cannot pick them up.

The Department of Public Services offers a compost drop off area located at 1015 S. Lincoln Avenue.  We accept brush, leaves, grass clippings and garden waste at the compost area.  The compost area is open 24/7 for City residents.  If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Services at 273-1845.
