Zoning by Address (and Parcel)

Businesses Locations (by Zone)

Zoning designations for all permitted, conditional and other uses are detailed in the City Code and can be looked up by address (or parcel ID#) BELOW OR in a new window –> here!  

You can also submit an email with your address or parcel number.  Especially for unique properties involving more than one zoning district, you may also request a parcel zoning verification letter be sent to you for your records.  Please allow 5 business days for processing.  For a general depiction of zoning areas throughout the city, please refer to the city’s online zoning map to display the locations of the zone(s).New or proposed businesses can confirm zoning by completing a new-business zoning review application at no cost.  

This page undergoes periodic changes based on new information.

Corrections or additions to suggest?  Please use our feedback form.