Census Invites: March 12-20


2020 Census Invitations arriving: March 12-20  

Nearly all (95%) of homes in the U.S. will receive an initial invitation to respond to the 2020 Census between March 12 and 20.

What to look for…

The cover image shown here provides is a graphical representation of what to look for in your mail.  For a full version (informational copy) of the mailing cover …both front and back… click on the graphic or here.  To view an example copy of what the contents of the mailed invitation will look like, click here.

Most (78%) of homes will receive an invitation encouraging them to respond online or by phone, and some homes (22%) will receive an invitation along with a paper questionnaire.

When you receive your invitation, it’s important to respond (see How To)* as doing so helps decide how money is allocated for services, products and support for our residents and community as a whole.

*How To Respond:  for you and others that live in your home, you’ll be able to respond at the website (2020census.gov) OR by phone or mail. WHEN to respond?… if you prefer to not have a Census taker come to your home later this spring or summer (i.e., May-July), you’ll want to respond this month or by mid-April at the latest.  Please be aware of scams – i.e., do not respond if you get an Email or Phone Call by someone claiming to be from the Census Bureau.

Source:  www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/2020-invitations-arrive.html

