Special Meeting: Aug. 7th


Election Commission – 
Special Meeting:  

Notice of Meeting for the Election Commission

There will be a special meeting of the Election Commission on August 7, at 8:00 a.m. via ZOOM.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss a petition proposal to allow marijuana establishments within the City of Three Rivers.

Any interested person may attend electronically and participate or submit written comments to Melissa Bliss at 333 West Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers, MI 49093 or mbliss@threeriversmi.org.  Please call 273-1632 for any other questions or concerns.

To participate in General Comments, members of the public will need to join the meeting by telephone dialing in to the meeting using the following telephone number: 312-626-6799.  When prompted enter the following meeting number: 267-406-2635 and press “#”.  You do not need to enter a passcode.

ADA Notice:  The City will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, to individuals with disabilities prior to the meeting/hearing upon seven (7) day notice to the City of Three Rivers. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Three Rivers at the above address.


Meeting Notice (pdf)

