May 20, 2020:
The City of Three Rivers Fire Department is urging residents and business owners near rivers to prepare for rising waters. Citizens are urged to STAY OFF THE RIVERS. High water levels cause strong currents making the water unsafe.
Please do not attempt to drive or traverse through barricaded streets and roadways.
Water Levels are expected to crest today at 9.6’ which is considered moderate flood level. Predictions are expected to see a consistent decrease throughout the next 7 days ending at 7’ which is considered minor flood level.
Any affected residents requiring temporary emergency shelter may contact the American Red Cross at the Three Rivers Commission on Aging at (269) 279-8083.
Please check back for further updates as new information becomes available.
Sand bags are available at:
City of Three Rivers Department of Public Services
Phone (269) 273-1845
St Joseph County Sheriffs Department
Phone (269) 467-9045
Jeffrey S. Bloomfield
Fire Chief
City of Three Rivers Fire Department
Flood Warning Notice (PDF)
INC039-MIC023-149-211528- /O.CON.KIWX.FL.W.0064.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TRVM4.2.ER.200517T1619Z.200520T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1129 AM EDT Wed May 20 2020 The Flood Warning continues for The Saint Joseph River Michigan at Three Rivers * until further notice. * At 11 AM Wednesday the stage was 9.5 feet and rising. * Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast. * Flood stage is 7.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to a crest near 9.5 feet around 2 PM Wednesday May 20 and begin falling. * At 9.0 feet...Moderate flooding of Scidmore Park can be expected. Evacuation of some animals in the park zoo can also be expected. High water affects several businesses and floods the basements of homes along south Main, Green, and Jackson Streets. * This crest compares to a previous crest of 9.6 feet which occurred on Mar 12 2009.