Virtual Meeting Notice


Virtual Meeting Notice:

The City Commission is conducting the regular meeting of the City of Three Rivers Commission Meeting for April 7, 2020 by teleconference in accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Executive Order No. 2020-15 and Executive Order 2020-21. This notice is required by Executive Order No. 2020-15 to ensure that those wishing to observe and/or participate in this regular meeting have the opportunity to do so.

General Comments: During this portion of the agenda, members of the public will be afforded the opportunity to address the City Commission with comments, including any item not on the agenda.

To participate in General Comments, members of the public will need to join the meeting by telephone dialing in to the meeting using the following telephone number: 312-626-6799. When prompted enter the following meeting ID number: 267 406 2635 and press “#”.  You do not need to enter a passcode.

All public participants wishing to participate by telephone will be placed on hold in a virtual “waiting room” until the meeting starts (6:00 p.m.). All members of the public will be muted during the business portion of the meeting.

Those wishing to participate in General Comments will then be recognized by the Mayor, or his designee, and asked whether that person has a comment at that time. When prompted, you should state your name and indicate your desire to address the City Commission and be recognized by the Mayor. Please be advised that there could be delays based on the number of calls received.

Members of the public will be afforded five (5) minutes each to address the Commission for items not on the agenda and three (3) minutes for items on the agenda.

As always, residents are encouraged to email any questions that they may have on any agenda item to the City Clerk at


Public Notice.pdf

~ Link to April 7 City Commission: Meeting Notice ~
