Special Meeting: HDC (Jul. 17)


Historic District Commission – 
Notice of Special Meeting:  

A special meeting will be held at the Three Rivers DDA/Main Street office at 57 N. Main Street, Three Rivers, Michigan on July 17th, at 4:30 p.m.  The purpose is to review the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for the “open space” between Land Mark Taphouse (21 N. Main Street) and Main Street Fitness (27 N. Main Street) for the East Alley Project.

Any interested person may attend and participate or submit written comments to the Historic District Commission, at 57 N. Main Street, Three Rivers, Michigan 49093.

ADA Notice:  The Historic District Commission will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon (5) day notice to HDC. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Historic District Commission at 57 N. Main Street, Three Rivers, Michigan 49093.

Tricia Meyer, Liaison for Three Rivers Historic District Commission


Meeting notice (pdf)

