2019 Spring Clean Up!



Clean out those cupboards! Get rid of that garage clutter!  Beautify those basements!  The time for spring cleaning has arrived!  The week of April 29, 2019, the City of Three Rivers will be partnering with Waste Management to provide a one-time removal of items for residential properties.  Items will be picked up by district as follows:

  • 1st District: Monday, April 29th
  • 2nd District: Tuesday, April 30th
  • 3rd District: Wednesday, May 1st
  • 4th District: Thursday, May 2nd

Items to be picked up should be placed on the terrace area of yard along with regular trash.  Please note, if Waste Management is not your trash removal provider, your regular trash may be picked up at a different time.

*** This event does not include residents in the downtown area.  The downtown area will be provided dumpsters starting April 29th, they will be located int he East & West parking lots.

SAVE THE DATE! The city’s annual Community Clean-up Day will be on Saturday, May 18th this year.  This event will focus on the clean-up of our parks and other public areas with projects like trash pick-up and flower planting among others.Spring Clean-Up and annual communit Clean-Up Day detailsSpring Clean-up Restrictions (details)

For information on acceptable items / more information call (269) 273-1075.

