The City of Three Rivers is in the process of completing the underground utility and roadway reconstruction process on East Street, which is currently on schedule. We would like to provide you with the following information regarding the project.
Before school starts on September 2, the first layer of asphalt will be placed on East Street starting at Portage Avenue and ending just north of Armitage Street. The sidewalks and curbing will also be in place, along with the topsoil and seeding. This portion of the roadway will look much like Millard and Constantine Streets during water festival, and it will be open for local traffic to drop off and pick up students at Hoppin Elementary. Hoppin Elementary staff will have access to the parking lot on the corner of Armitage and East from Armitage St only.
East Street between Hoffman and Armitage will remain under construction and closed to thru traffic until October 15. During this time, residents are to seek alternative routes and parents picking up or dropping off students shall seek alternative locations for parking. Students walking to and from school are also encouraged to seek alternative routes where possible. Although the portion north of Armitage will be under construction, students will be permitted to walk on the East Street sidewalks north of there, but are cautioned that portions of sidewalk will be removed due to the construction activities.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we complete the reconstruction of this roadway.
If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Services at 273-1845.