Public Notice


A Public hearing will be held at the regular Commission meeting on June 18, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers at Three Rivers City Hall, 333 West Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers, Michigan.  The purpose is to gain citizen input prior to submission of a Housing Resource Fund (HRF) grant application to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) for Downtown Rental Rehabilitation (DRR) funds to be used within the immediate downtown and DDA district. The application will be for funds not to exceed $400,000, and will be utilized for rehabilitation or construction of apartments within the downtown district that will benefit low to moderate income tenants. All regulations concerning the grant will be governed by terms of HUD, MSHDA, and local program guidelines adopted by the City Council and approved by MSHDA.

Any interested person may attend and participate or submit written comments to the City Clerk at the above address.
