East Parking Lot Closure


The East Parking lot is scheduled to be crack sealed and micro surfaced as preventative maintenance .  During these closures, we will need ALL vehicles out of the lot and parking will be allowed along Joshua Dr. and Downtown without parking tickets being issued. Attached is a map to show you the new layout as we have heard from many of you regarding the current narrow spaces, which will be wider next week.

Friday – the lot will be closed from 7:30am – 11am for crack sealing Traffic-Cone-Signs-96186-002-ba

Tuesday – the lot will be closed at 7:30am and will reopen Wednesday afternoon, completed with microsurfacing and painting

In case of rain – the Tuesday/Wednesday will change to Wednesday/Thursday.  If you have any questions regarding the map, please call the Department of Public Services at 273-1845. Thank you for your cooperation and letting your customers, employees and neighbors know too!

East parking Lot Resurface Drawing
