The City of Three Rivers will hold a public hearing on the proposed Drinking Water Revolving Funds Project Plan improvements for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons.
The hearing will be held at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday April 20, 2010 at the City Hall located at 333 W. Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers, MI 49093.
The purpose of the proposed improvements addressed in the Project Plan is to address the preliminary MDNRE order received by the City in November 2009 regarding disinfection of the City’s drinking water system, and additional drinking water distribution system projects throughout the City.
It is expected that construction of the improvements will include a disinfection system, iron removal system, 4-inch water main replacement in a few key locations, water main relocation in a few key locations, and completion of water main loops in a few key locations.
Impacts of the proposed improvements include removal and replacement of existing roadways and water main in a few key locations throughout the City. Impacts also include a new building or expansion of existing buildings at the well fields for the construction of disinfection, fluoridation, and iron removal systems.
The total construction costs for the proposed improvements are estimated at $5,117,550. The proposed improvements are expected to increase the user costs by an estimated $12.61 per month.
A copy of the Project Plan detailing the proposed projects is available for inspection at the following location: Three Rivers City Hall, 333 W. Michigan Avenue.
Written comments received before the hearing record is closed on Tuesday April 20, 2010 at the completion of the public hearing will receive responses in the final Project Plan. Written comments should be sent to:
Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd.
Attention: Mr. Paul S. Romano, P.E.
4791 Campus Drive
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Plan Documents (Unable to post Appendix A because of document size)
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix B
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix C
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix D_Part1
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix D_Part2
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix D_Part3
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix D_Part4
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix D_Part5
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix D_Part6
TR MDNRE DWRF Project Plan Appendix E