Bid Opening: Purchasing


Remote Bid Opening (April 27):  

According to the Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-48, temporary authorization has been given to allow remote participation in public meetings and hearings and continues through May 12, 2020. The purpose is to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to vulnerable Michiganders, it is crucial that all Michiganders take steps to limit in-person contact. These critical mitigation measures include social distancing and limiting the number of people interacting at public gatherings.

To that end, it is reasonable and necessary to temporarily suspend rules and procedures relating to physical presence at meetings and hearings of public bodies and other governmental entities in Michigan. These public bodies and entities must continue to conduct public business during this emergency, including actions to respond to COVID-19, and the general public must be able to continue to participate in government decision-making without unduly compromising public health, safety, and welfare.

The purchasing committee will hold a remote bid opening on Monday, April 27, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

All members of the public are welcome and encouraged to join remotely and participate by phone only.

  • To join a public meeting you will need to call 312-626-6799. When prompted enter the following meeting ID number 267-406-2635 and press “#”. You do not need to enter a passcode.
  • All public participants wishing to participate by telephone will be placed on hold in a virtual “waiting room” until the meeting begins.
  • Unless speaking, please mute/unmute yourself by pressing *6 to eliminate background noise.
  • Those wishing to participate in public comment should “raise their hand” by pressing *9 and wait to be recognized by the mayor/chair.
  • Verbally identify yourself before speaking.
  • All members of the public will be muted during the business portion of the meeting.
  • A roll call vote will be taken for all motions/actions.

ADA Notice:  The City will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, to individuals with disabilities for the meeting/hearing upon seven (7) day notice to the City of Three Rivers. Individuals with disabilities requiring services should contact the City of Three Rivers at 269-273-1075 or

Melissa J. Bliss, City Clerk


Bid Opening Notice (pdf)

