Bid Notice: Public Services & WWTP Organization Assessment



The City of Three Rivers is requesting proposals from qualified firms or individuals interested in conducting an Operational and Organizational Assessment of the City’s Department of Public Services and Wastewater Department recommending operational efficiencies, organizational structures and performance measures to ensure the City departments are operating at a high level of efficiency and effectiveness.

This document outlines the scope of work for consulting services. Sealed bids should be marked as “RFP Operational-Organizational Assessment”. An original and three (3) copies of the sealed proposal shall be submitted to Melissa Bliss, City Clerk, City of Three Rivers, 333 W. Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers, MI 49093, no later than 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 by mail or hand delivery.  Proposals will be opened at that time.

Bids received after the required deadline will not be accepted. It is anticipated that bids will be discussed at a subsequent City Commission meeting and will be awarded to the most qualified and responsible bidder. The completed report is due by June 30, 2019.

All contact, questions, and correspondence regarding the project and proposal shall be directed to the following:

Cathy Lawson, Director of Finance & Administration
City of Three Rivers, 333 W. Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers, MI 49093
Phone: 269-273-1075 ext. 109 / Email:

Note — All written correspondence and e-mails are considered public documents in the State of Michigan and subject to the Freedom of Information Act. _


Bid Specifications (pdf)


The City reserves the right to approve the proposal, reject the proposal, negotiate the proposal or solicit additional proposals for the project if deemed necessary by the City Commission.
