St. Joseph County Community Health Needs Survey


The St. Joseph County Health Assessment surveys local residents every three years to identify local strengths, household challenges and issues, as well as the perception of needs in the area.

Results of the 2012 survey were used to document need and develop plans that make St. Joseph County a healthier place to live. Your opinions continue to be valuable and are needed to guide future improvements. This survey is open to any resident, over 18 years of age, to complete electronically. In addition, in order to assure that a variety of perspectives are obtained, it may be sent to specific individuals in paper form.

We estimate this survey to take between 10 to 15 minutes and hope you will make time to share your thoughts about important health needs. Be assured you cannot be identified by responding to this survey. Any personal information will be included only in aggregate and is not collected to help establish demographic group trends.

In about three months, both Three Rivers Health and Sturgis Hospital will publish the results of this and other data collection efforts, along with anticipated responses to identified needs. It will be available for free to any interested individual.

Please encourage others in the community to participate in the study.

Should you have any questions about the survey, please contact the administration of Sturgis Hospital or Three Rivers Health.
