Part-Time Young Adult Librarian. The City of Three Rivers is seeking qualified applicants for a part-time Young Adult Librarian position in the Three Rivers Public Library. Basic responsibilities include knowledge of and ability to implement current technologies of interest to young adults, ability to appreciate and work with teens, plan and conduct programming for teens and young adults, interest and knowledge of Young Adult literature, knowledge of current cultural trends for young adults, ability to appreciate and creatively engage young adults ages 12-19 to early 20s.
Minimum requirements: Bachelor of Arts/Science degree. Work hours: Approximately 25 hours per week: Monday-Friday 2:00-7:00. Starting pay: $12.75/hour.
Official application packet is available for download or can be picked at Three Rivers City Hall, 333 W. Michigan Ave., Three Rivers, MI 49093. Applicants must submit all of the following: Cover letter, Resume, Official City Employment Application packet, and Release of Information form to: Brandi DeRuiter, City of Three Rivers at the above listed address: Ph: 269.273.1095, Fax: 269.273.3132. Email: